It was a full morning, pouring myself out for others; being upbeat and positive and maintaining an openness to the needs of the people that came forward and presented themselves to me; giving me a glimpse through the window of their soul into a sacred and holy place. It was good, but I was exhausted.
The crowds were now gone; all their activity a memory, and I had time to sit and wait for my ride outside on a rock. I took in a Minnesota October afternoon. The sun gave some warmth yet there was a coolness in the air. There is something about blue sky, warm sun, exquisite fall colors, the feel of an October breeze, and no bugs that makes this my favorite time of the year.
As I sat, a quick gust of cold air sent a shiver through my body. Then the rustling of leaves across the pavement filled my ears. The leaves were racing. It was an amazing spectacle. I sat so still they did not notice me. All shapes, sizes, and colors were trying to catch any movement of wind to move them along. They contorted as much as they could with each new breeze. As many differences in leaves, so there were many differences in how they tried to position themselves to catch the next gust of wind.
Each time the wind stirred or a car passed, the frantic race resumed, for some of the leaves. Those that had not been flattened by a car, moved ever so quicker trying to position themselves for the next movement. A tremble here, a somersault there, a complete 180 degree slide over there; all trying to make it across the road before they were flattened by a car.
As I sat there delighting in the variety of attempts they all made, and relaxing in creation, it struck me: doesn’t human life resemble this race? We go with the wind of the times. We race across the road of life trying not to be eliminated and make it to the other side. We try not to be flattened by the heaviness of burdens. We, too, go through all kinds of contortions and ridiculous moves to catch a breeze and position ourselves. For what? To get to the other side?
But the leaf teaches us a deeper lesson. In order for us to truly move, especially in the spiritual life, we must catch the wind of God, His Ruah, the Holy Spirit. We must come to recognize His movements and position ourselves to catch Him for we know not when He comes, where He comes from or where He is going. If we do not catch His presence, we are flattened and unable to move in any direction by the heaviness of life. Silence, reflection, waiting are all ways we can position ourselves to be ready to move with the Holy Spirit to get to the other side.
For Reflection:
Does my life seem like a leaf blowing in the wind trying to get somewhere but not sure where? Do I recognize the movements of the Holy Spirit in my life? Do I make time for experiencing God in the silence and beauty of creation?
Breathe on me Holy Spirit, and move me along Your paths. Help me to catch Your slightest movements that I may not be flattened by the heaviness of life.
(blogged October 15, 2024)
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